Fashion design is a prominent field of vocational study. Not only in India but also internationally, Within a decade, the fashion business has expanded by leaps and bounds. Despite their tight ties, there are some differences between fashion design and textile design. Textile design courses teach students about the process of developing structures and designs for knitted, woven, printed, or surface-ornamented fabrics and the like, whereas fashion design focuses on producing clothing and lifestyle accessories.

The fundamental goal of the Apparel Made-Ups & Home Furnishing Sector Skill Council (AMH SSC), which was established, is to improve and expand the capacity for skill development. The NSDC has given AMH SSC permission to continue evaluating trainees’ ability levels in the fields of home furnishings, made-ups, and clothes for their respective subject areas. The AMH SSC has a clearly defined organisational structure that includes representatives from the MoT as well as industry members from knitwear, clothing, hosiery, fashion design, made-ups/home furnishings, associations, academia, domestic apparel sector, and NSDC.